Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Portugal are already there, notice to mariners

E fectívamente, la cuenta atrás ha comenzado, ya tenemos las elecciones municipales y autonómicas encima, justo dos meses , apenas unas semanas para volver a pasar por las urnas y decidir el futuro de los valencianos. Como otras veces hemos hecho en este blog nos vamos a fijar en las propuestas que hacen los diferentes partidos, su programa electoral, en materia de política social. En esta ocasión y como aperitivo nos ha parecido sugerente indagar acerca del estado de la cuestión actual, como están calentando motores los partidos parlamentarios valencianos, de que manera están lanzando sus ideas, asumiendo compromisos, making suggestions and sharing these with the Valencia, well the picture is as follows: the official website of Esquerra Unida del Pais Valencia, not a single word about the election program, nor of future commitments, are hung various documents about complaints and corruption schemes and a little more popular, so referring to PSPV, the situation is this: it appears a rotten orange, and various references to the activity of the leader of the party in different coomparecencias in which they take certain collective commitments to specific topics, appears not an explicit reference to the electoral program and is only available to the Sanitation Program and reform of the national economy valence. As for the PP, just open the web appears the reference to election pledges, with a manifesto 2011-2015, the invitation to participate in the electoral program development, with different measures and proposals on health, infrastructure, education. ... Also is linked directly to facebook where they are hanging these proposals as discussed by different inputs and opinionated (of course all in favor) and also boast the participation, "a 1146 People Like the PP's electoral program ..... In short, this is what there is at least as of today when we are missing only 1440 hours to go to the polls.


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