Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sleeper Ear Self Piercer

Cholesterol after 70

The high cholesterol is not ning health if you have 75 or more years. Pai control younger, still-l Jn study of the Journal of the American Association found no link between elevated CO and increased risk of heart attack in people to 75 years.

The 997 patients in the study were between 71 and 102. Dren.

The good news is that these people should not worry about your cholesterol, researchers say. Their interest should focus more on other serious risks to the health as snuff and high blood pressure.

Elders must follow a healthy diet because nutrition affects many other components of health.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Games Like Popmundo And Runescape

Intergenerational solidarity Silence

Amateur Surgeon Xmas Edition Iphone Walkthrough

Sprinting - Stride Length

What is most important among the "sprinter " global, stride length or frequency?

A Japanese study examined many of these corridors 100 meter intervals along 10 found that stride length was the key factor determining the maximum speed.

Although both factors determine the running speed, the length e za - each seems the most important. The key muscles in this action are, Exor hip , and io is therefore necessary to emphasize strengthening exercises.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Hip Bursitis

Calcio. The most abundant mineral in the body, is second in importance to bodybuilders. There are several reasons for that.

- Bodybuilders may have diffi cult to maintain the 1:1 ratio between phosphorus. calcium. First, many lifters try to avoid dairy products due to fear with a few basics to be "a soft place." Second, a typical diet contains much protein a bodybuilder, which means that there is much phosphorus causes excessive calcium excretion urine.

- Calcium is the most important mineral involved in muscle contraction (have you heard of calcium ions in the "sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?").

- The stress inherent in weight training requires a continuous supply of calcium to maintain bone density high.

"The athletes have to take good care of your calcium intake as low estrogen levels can contribute to the decline in calcium absorption and increased loss. Take into account that vitamin D helps calcium absorption, which can be achieved by taking products fortified with the vitamin.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Install American Standard 3375

Calcium Magnesium Zinc

Magnesium. Do not just take the number one because it has a theoretical mechanism of action, but because the geneficios Identifier recientes.estudios performance enhancers for magnesium supplementation.

The role of magnesium in the bodybuilding polarizes toward energy production and protein synthesis. Studies on different types of athletes reveal excessive loss of magnesium through sweat.

Brilla and Haley from Western Washingotn University in Belkimgham published the results of a study lifters supplemented with magnesium exerted greater strength in the quadriceps than those not taking the supplement.

Considering the role of magnesium in bodybuilding, the factors leading to a possible magnesium malnutrition among athletes and the results of investigations like these, it is not difficult to see why so many sports nutritionists are excited potential prospects of magnesium.

A word of caution. Minerals are critical to peak performance. However, excess in one of them can cause a disaster. Excess of one mineral can cause a functional imbalance of other minerals or effects no negative side original benefit. Too much zinc, for example, can lead to problems arising from the reduction of HDL. The final word is sure not to take megadoses and know what we need. The letter for this article will guide us. Remember that

minerals may be more important for athletes that many of the nutrients that provide calories precisely because of its unique physiological functions. In particular, these 10 minerals analyzed can be completely critical for bodybuilders because of their nutritional status and their roles in growth, energy production and muscle contraction. Do not spend your never overlook these critical components of the diet. After all, the little things that count.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby Is 10 Weeks Old And Has Smelly Urine

Zinc. This mineral is involved in virtually all phases of growth. Even more critical bodybuilders, because studies have shown that high intensity exercise stimulates your losses.

addition, the diets of some athletes seem to be very low in zinc . This double-edged sword-excess of probable losses, coupled with low dietary zinc causes we deem as the number three importance among the minerals.

If we do not take in good amounts, can disrupt growth.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How Long Do It Take Metronidazole To Work

H ace a couple of years is celebrating the European Day of solidarity between generations, a way of drawing attention to a recent phenomenon, the aging population, and also serves this reference, to highlight the need to strengthen solidarity between generations.
Aging is not bad if done with quality of life, every day there are more people who make it, but that is not coincidental and not a divine, have been strong social welfare systems the cause of this achievement that we can not give up, advances in medicine, pension schemes that guarantee income after the productive period, home care services and specialized centers in the elderly have helped to democratize something as precious as the right to a long life. Figures unthinkable just a few decades ago now make us feel proud of a society in which a high percentage of its members over 65 years, and besides, there was another phenomenon is also relevant to the aging of aging, has never There are so many people over eighty years as in the beginning of this century.
is just the wake-up call made by international bodies, to look at this phenomenon and besides Collectively, the young should be aware that this has been a major achievement in which the basis of their success lies in the solidarity between generations, however, are not dealing with something irreversible phenomenon may be a round back if we fail to maintain their achievements. Precisely for this reason, the best way to make explicit intergenerational solidarity is a cry shared by all: social rights or a step back, much is at stake.

Masterbation Heealthy?

Abs Tips - Part 2 Abdominals

Therefore, the abdominal and hip flexors play an important mutual. Because of this, we should not think about how we can remove the hip flexors but how to get the abs to work effectively in conjunction with the hip flexors.

- Not only are the abdominal important to maintain a strong midsection, but also play a role when they work different. Research indicates that in many surveys abdominal muscles work to stabilize the middle section in conjunction with the spinal erectors. The contraction of the abdominal internal pressure produces pressing against the spine and keeps it in place. This is necessary in most standing exercises.

- When the trunk is elevated in all its range of motion, head back to your starting point on the ground, no adverse effects on posture. However, if the route is very limited (many people do not return the head to the ground) shorten your abs so much so that pull the rib cage toward your hips. Moreover, as the shoulders and head are rounded, athletes are already well can have more drooping shoulders.

- To develop the oblique many people make the elevation of trunk rotation. However, this exercise is potentially dangerous because when we do the spine is flexed and then if we turn creates shear forces on the anterior aspects of the vertebrae. Therefore, it is best to rotate only when the spine is in its normal anatomic position.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Tips - Part 1

- For the trunk lift more safely and effectively begins to lift his head and then shoulders rounded as column cord. Raise the head helps to eliminate the negative consequences of hip flexors. Although I have no consciousness of a single case of injury caused by lower back during lifting ilipsoas trunk, if you have back pain, can aggravate the trunk lift. In that case, simply do not.

- When you bend your knees and keep your back flat on the floor, flattening of the lumbar spine and eliminate 25 to 30 kilos of low back pressure. Also, when lifting first the head and contract the abs, we force flexion of the spine and reducing any adverse flip weight on the spine.

- The abdominal and hip flexors have a close relationship. When we make a trunk lift or shrinkage, the hip flexors contract Sometra to help stabilize the pelvic girdle and allow the torso to rise towards the hips. When we do exercises like leg lifts with arms hanging down, the hip flexors go first to a dynamic exercise while the abdominal Sometra contract to stabilize the pelvis. Abs only spring into action to increase the travel range of motion of the leg.

Articulating the hip has a limited travel range. When the legs go up as much as possible, abs into action to allow the legs to go even further. Here you get Sometra hip flexors.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tires Grand Touring High Performance

Chrome. Chromium is a key factor glucose tolerance, and a substance that helps insulin to bind to receptors in tissues.

In other words, chromium helps insulin do its job of transporting glucose, amino acids and fatty acids into cells. Athletes probably need more chromium than the sedentary but chromium was a truly anabolic element is a matter to be discussed among scientists.

The fact is that chromium appears to help glucose metabolism and probably does in the metabolism of lipids, but still do not know if it really increases muscle mass. The news of huge bodies and nests superdefi-based chromium supplements are, at best, premature.

However, this mineral is very important because athletes must become more familiar with their role in physiology.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Mens Days Of The Week Boxer Briefs

Abs Chrome

Sodium. As you know most bodybuilders, sodium is a electrrolito that plays a vital role in the regulation of body fluids.

body sodium level determines the amount of water your body "retain" and high intakes can cause the body to swell. Although a normal diet contains a reasonable amount of sodium, be careful to limit their intake as they approach a competition, but without cutting too.

very low intakes put into operation the protective mechanisms within the body that produce sodium retention and water. Finally keep in mind that sodium plays a role in resistance training, their role in transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction is critical for bodybuilders.

Sodium in the diet is not all bad, the important thing is to have the right amount.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Teaching The Story Of Moses To Preschoolers

Sodium and Phosphorus

The well-developed abdominal are critical for bodybuilders and play a key role in the poses. In addition, abdominal help form a strong middle section, which is necessary for all athletes.

The upper abdominal and spinal flexion action are essential for almost all athletes, particularly gymnasts and acrobats, diving and swimming.

upper abdominals are also important in all activities of pitches (baseball, javelin, rugby, hammer, etc..) In volleyball and basketball (rebounds).

are also used in soccer kicks, (particularly the obliques) and during reaching movements in racket sports, basketball, volleyball and others.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Light Pink Mucus 12dpiui


Phosphorus. A mineral found in the body in large quantities directly linked to the metabolism of exercise, because it produces high-energy molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphate creatine.

Phosphorus works in conjunction with calcium, so it is important to keep your intake in the 1:1 ratio, an imbalance creates a potential problem of nutrition. The

phosphorus supplementation has been shown to reduce lactic acid levels in blood during exercise.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Accidental Listerine Swallow

Polls say

Norrman E distance between government and opposition CPAP continues the path steadily fifth consecutive regional election victory in the Region. The survey commissioned from the consultancy Inmerco promises a comfortable majority for the PP Valencia, which reached 53.4% \u200b\u200bof the vote in the upcoming regional elections of May 22. This forecast contrasts with the estimate for the PSPV vote, which stood at 29.9%, which is an abysmal difference of 23.5 points less than 50 days before the election with 22.2% of vote indefinitely . According to the monitor from be, if popular elections were held today, would achieve 47% of the votes by hand, the PSOE would get the 35% of the vote. If we analyze these data in some detail, we note with some amazement as the economic crisis that is taking this through the electoral prospects of parties goberantes throughout Europe and the United States, caused something very rare in Valencia, as it increases the chances of success of those responsible for active employment policies, educational management, health ... rare, rare, rare, or the staff does not know who really governs, or have no idea if it works health Valencia Cantabria worse than not the fault of Zapatero but Camps and that if we stopped twice in Navarra, and is accountable to the Minister compllicado class without leave no stain upon the Councillor concerned or that no one can understand. The form of organization in the English State, is characterized by a decentralized, "cuasifederal" in which communities have a major responsibility for public expenditure management. Note would understand the reason that the electorate punishes equally to all rulers and focuses all the tantrum in the government of the nation, allowing a graceful exit from the party that also runs major spending packages, will you have something about control of the media, both public service of a cause and a huge cut "intereconmias" and the like, will it be lack of democratic culture? or simply a "stupid as the crown of a pine."

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Lying face up on the floor or on a declined bench with knees bent , If we can not raise the torso without legs lass rise first, we must ensure the feet. Keep your arms across your body or behind your head for more difficulty. Take

air slightly and hold the seat as the cacabeza climb slowly, followed by the shoulders and trunk. The elevation of the head immediately shrinks and flattens abdominal lumbar spine.

Round and raise the upper back (flexion of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae), so that you may have about -5 degrees of spinal flexion.

Then, split the trunk slowly and breathe out as you return to the original cosición. Tempt Halt momentarily before returning to take a breath and repeat many times.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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The Abdominal Exercise

The M & F readers know very well what happens with overtraining, a condition that slows the progress bodybuilder. Researchers from Penn State University, tested whether short-term work with maximum intensity practice could lead to overtraining .

One group trained the bottom of the body using a squat machine, working five days a week. The other did it twice a week, as reported in the Journal of strengh and Conditioning Research.

Tests were carried out weekly by measuring strength, power and jumping. Although power-ups found in the first group of 5 times the a week, during the period of four weeks, as measured by the maximum s of repetition, the speed of the "sprint", which improved initially fell after the second week, and the touch of the leg extension decreased the fourth week.

Friday, April 22, 2011

How To Do An Austin Power Hairstyle


Image: Country
or And today I do not want to talk politics. I do not want to talk about why the Valencian government manages what is ours as if our world should be his farm. I have no desire to talk about airports with no aircraft, or libraries without books like opened in Villareal. I do not want to talk about the lies and manipulation of information that is made from Channel 9, or lack of response from those we govern to the accumulation of irregularities and goings, that will not be able to cover with three suits and two ties.

not want to talk about it. Today I want to laugh. They say that laughter is something that identifies us as human. Yet hyenas laugh too. Have you seen the video footage or photographs of leaders of the PP with a mouth full of laughter? What are you laughing? Is laughter scandalous, obscene, throwing laughter, laughter that hurt the sensibility of the viewer. Do these characters cause for laughter? Is laughter illegal earned laughs, "inappropriate laughter." Those who are honest citizens, we earn what we have with our daily work, we do not laugh. We are not amused. Still less should I do for them. Why laugh then? And who are you laughing? Think about it. Are they laughing hyena before a feast or stomachs satisfied after the banquet?

to see if for once the adage is true, and we get to all that he has the last laugh is the one who laughs best.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lump In Throat Making It Hard To Swallow

What would have happened if ...? Medical Error

E `it has become one of the argumentation of fashion in political life, it seems that what began Gallardón, smart guy no doubt, moving to Madrid a kind of restlessness / fiction result of the recreation of some uncomfortable situations scenarios occurred not because of his intervention. Practice seems timely to move to Valencia, play that predict the past and try to figure out what would have happened if, for example, instead of stating that it threw the window of the AVE, Ms. Barbera had been put to work to improve the conditions of a city that was in port to receive a historic momentum to improve its economy, tourism .... or example, what would have happened if Mr. Font de Mora, instead of rejecting outright the computers that other communities have made available to schoolchildren, had accepted ....,? What would have happened with a whole generation of children Valencia if they had not studied in barracks ...? But where pathetic character acquires the "little game of yore is if we begin to imagine what would have happened if they had applied the laws of the various social welfare councilors who had the government of the Generalitat. What would have happened if the Statute of Autonomy would not have constantly failed in its articles and had been adequately dealt with guaranteed income in all cases where it was and is still badly needed? What would have happened if requested 14000 dependent Law Unit and died without having response, a response had arranged according to their rights and needs, What would have happened if the disabled Valencia had received the benefits they have requested, when we really needed them and not 24 months later? What would have happened if soulless politicians had not made a nest in this community?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

State Registration Of Herpes

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Personalized M&m Sayings


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Does Grey Goose Have Gluten In It

Hope and affordable excellence Mestalla

E speranza Aguirre just made an enormous contribution to discover one of the greatest secrets in history, we specifically has offered some clues about what may happen in this country if the Conservatives win power that can call their own and therefore it hurts so much that he holds a temporary, officially named former, as a cyclone, Hope has again surprised with a proposal as witty and controversial segregated classes for exceptional students. Heck with the press, this is called throwing lifting, when the levels of school failure in their community is about 40% in certain cycles, sounds a little demagogic this concern for a group that barely 1% of total school population. Anyway go to the heart of the matter, Hope, following the story millimeter Conservative Party, puts us in a world of Yupie, unavailable, unreachable, an Ithaca found only in occasional road map designed to amaze: child soldiers, participating in classroom excellence, ... that's the message from society that renders the President of Madrid, as does Camps walking with a Ferrari convertible and playing that Valencia is the envy of the global world vie for big events also become big business, closes the circle of conservative consistency, the citizen must convey what you like, not what they need, even at the stroke of demagoguery and lies. It seems that people generally prefer to think that their desires, their wishes can come closest to a goal so difficult that, rather than worrying about the consequences of educating whole generations in barracks or that school failure is a burden for the future, and as also feature numerous boxes resonance and a large quantity of media involved directly and act as the dictates of Genoa Street transmits them, play them is perfect. Congratulations, Hope, excellent fore see What will be the next step in health, ban dying?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can A Captian Of A Planemarry You

U n follower "Barça" is going to have to watch the final match of the Cup King, surrounded by followers meringues, "an act of masochism?," desire to have a bad shot?, or just another one of those toads incomprehensible that we have to swallow Valencia, do not understand very well why. We must add the condition of people with reduced mobility barsa Aficionado and anger and outrage at losing the opportunity to follow the football contest with the other partners to put Catalans in just about a problem, which obviously is not as serious has happened this week, but it's all a symptom of the contradictions in which we are mired Valencians. The funny thing explanations have been offered from the Valencian Federation Soccer " has its limitations because it is an area designed at a time when, unfortunately, there were many disabled people who came to the field " and further concluded the new stadium, whose works are paralyzed two years, will incorporate the Recent advances in accessibility .. E These are the only explanations obtained, administration officials have not said "this is my mouth," the Ministry of Welfare, silence, the defender of the disabled, as if it were not with him, the Mayor looking the other way ... it is clear that this is not an infringement of a fundamental right (with permission of Mr. Alvarez Cascos), however, this sad story reminds us all that Valencian twenty-four months ago that our city is crowned by one of those museums nonsense, a football field, half-built in the middle of the city without overtones of being finished. Any politician minimally responsible with their city would look for a solution to this nonsense. If I remember correctly, when he thought of Valencia to host the final of the Copa del Rey, there were new stadium, the days are gone, and months and incompetence also confronts us with a mausoleum that is difficult to substantiate office would have cost any democratic mayor had not sleeping their fellow citizens to "how beautiful is Valencia." This is certainly an offense that neither fans nor Valencia residents of the city should agree.

Finally, without the significant and no intention to generalize, it seemed appropriate to include some of the comments that have made the news fans in the newspaper Levante Valencia.

Comment 1 .- These sprockets always assuming
Comment 2 .- Well, I do not understand what the problem. The Miguelete not adapted for disabled people according to what ... there are things that can not be, however much we want them to be. And disabled people should understand this: a modern stadium is not the same as an ancient and dilapidated stadium. Ours is very old and dilapidated, as well as uncomfortable even for non-disabled. There are many things to fix, even for the disabled, rather than a football field.

Comment 3 .- And who is a fan of another team to tell the Valencian what we do in OUR stadium? Let him go to the Nou Camp if you like, but this is what you get.

Nothing, it wins the best

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Corelle Quality Control

Zapatero, Camps and ZP Candidate

P or purpose. It was time. It has happened. Zapatero has already said no be submitted to the next election. Now everything will change. The crisis will be just a bad dream, a faded memory. There will be milk and honey, and multiply the loaves and fishes. That will be immediately, but let alone within a year, or sooner if there are elections. As much in one year, the beasts will lick our hands, it will rain manna from heaven, will tie the dog with sausages, and we will co-payment. All that will happen when the sky falls Rajoy his cohort consisting celestial angels, archangels and González Pons.

But before the Redemption from the House of Representatives, we have to live the ordeal of the municipal elections and autonomous. Now, by the end of May, we said things like what our great President. At Camps, Camps, and wine, wine, had to say for himself, and says that Zapatero is a bad person.

not satisfied, no, the great manager does not have the cash or stamp, and credited that Zapatero is not presented with ideas as respectable as "We can say that, within our hearts , nests that feeling that I did everything that was for a Democrat for President of the Government of Spain ceased to be "as is insatiable and continues doing so as a Democrat in its power to pursue who does not think like him, here he says: "I know who have collaborated with Zapatero in recent years, and now my party has a huge obligation to tell the English people, and say, 'Zapatero goes, but you also helped , you were required to Zapatero and his fault ruled Spain. " There are
. First of all, be democratic.
Anyway, I will forgive you, but I have to go take me another spoonful of Primperan.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Women Playing With Themselve


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Boob In My Hands Movies


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Funny 25th Birthday Cake Sayings

Rus and always blame the other

E l President of the Diputación de Valencia, Rus has made three things you should never make a politician, at least if it is consistent with its commitment to the public: First Act has failed, a standard exemplary in terms of accessibility, which can reach the dishonorable distinction of being the least accomplished of the entire national territory to Rus Accessibility Act of Valencia is worthless and he will not.

Secondly, he has repeatedly lied or at least it is clear from the statements that the various representatives of associations of disabled people have heard of your mouth, or all workers suffer hallucinations or just something much more serious, the President of the Congress lies and makes knowing that he is fooling all the people of Valencia and especially people with disabilities

Third, a politician who prides itself does not alter the responsibility to another trying to get rid of that is related to the post, take decisions, one decision and all those of which are at your service, trying to "pass the buck" by throwing the blame on others, not only Coward, also impairs the image of those whom we placed our trust, that escape when things go wrong.

If we add character that is contemptuous of the problems suffered by thousands of people with disabilities in Valencia, proposing strings instead of ramps and using the adjective "poor handicapped." .. nonsense is served, you resign Mr. Rus is not worthy of representing the people of Valencia.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Random Spot Of Dry Skin

not lose miserably time reading this article

D and truth, dear reader, do not give returns, not even raised the possibility of further reading, and stop paying attention to this post as soon as possible. Do not bring anything, I assure you, unless a regrettable loss of your precious time. What may be of interest to you what I say, or what I think, I'm an idiot? I'm just a simpleton who knows nothing about anything and that is in the world that has everything.

see, if not, the following example. After much back and forth in the various legal loopholes, police reports and research groups, and Francisco Camps, and Carlos Fabra, and Jose Joaquin Ripoll, and other institutional charges have been laid PP bases in the cold bench, but Angel Luna , the brave, and tenacious Socialist deputy itself will soon stand trial for the crime of concealment, by failing to disclose the sources that would show how officials have used the Consell power for personal gain. In other words, something like if you removed the subway portfolio, someone who has been advised of, and report the thief to the witness by pointing the finger because the finger pointing is rude. And that they can and must seem to everyone as normal, I do not understand, and I say that certainly will not understand it because I'm a complete twit.

As I am a chump not understand why in Castellón built an airport has no aircraft, whose losses will pay all, and that is only intended to the ineffable Fabra have the whim to have this toy as one having a Exin Castles. But of course, that's what I think, that I'm a cork.

Since I am hopelessly clumsy, and I do not hear anything, when some rant about the care employment, health waiting lists, deteriorating quality of education, or the absence in the area of \u200b\u200bservices Social blaming Zapatero, I wonder, oblivious to me: "But that is not transferred, and that work or not work is the responsibility of the Generalitat Valenciana? God, because I do not have anything for me to learn! I'm nothing but a dunce.

And, being as I am dumber than Abundio, I do not understand why the President sits, and walks in front of the demonstrators que protestan por el impedimento de su gobierno de que los ciudadanos del País Valenciano podamos ver TV3. El President se hace una foto sonriendo con los manifestantes tras unas vallas de fondo, como Ángel Cristo se hacía con los leones. Los manifestantes claman por la libertad de expresión, y yo que soy un lerdo no entiendo por qué se ríe nuestro máximo representante, ni por qué puedo sintonizar en mi receptor la CNN, la RAI, France TV o Al Jazeera, y no puedo ver TV3.

Pero cuando creo que llego al punto más alto de mi estupidez, es cuando a mi corto entender, quienes gobiernan esta Comunitat están haciéndole un flaco favor. Cuando creo entender que estamos a la cola en el ranking de public investments in health, education or social services, and we are the biggest spenders in monumental works, when I see that we suffer a serious institutional crisis and a serious democratic deficit with a government that is accountable, that does not address questions or give answers, and what is even worse, when we are mired in the swamp of corruption with clear indications that the foundations are rotten to the Palau de la Generalitat.

That's where it reaches the highest point of my stupidity, and I'm a fool pelao I mosquito bite, it is clear that an absolute majority all understand what is happening, and I unrepentant geek, I do not understand what's going on. Please, someone in mind clearer, me? "

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rustic Wedding Supply

Castellon Airport, that great Rescue work

P ut that evil is envy, criticism that has received the last great public works of the Region, and from this blog are very concerned about the quality of life of citizens and believe the Castellón airport is a symbol in this area, we decided to perform a research task to bring to light the many advantages of this unique work in the world and thus silenced forever those naysayers who do not like anything that is made for these payments:
1.-Who is going to be able to deny that we are facing installation with less noise impact Aeronautics world, not a slightest hint of contamination, so far none had succeeded. 2.-
were definitely over the queues at the counters, how many airports can say this without offending you?
3.-It can be said with little margin for error that the loss of luggage will be Minm or even 0, in any case be produced deviations of handbags or wallets of some of the retirees to teach him the magnificent work, while walking by his empty tracks or take the chocolate, which invites the airport management.
4 .- Best of all is the face that they were going to put the air traffic controllers employed in Castellón when they say their job is to regulate traffic lights in the middle of the street, only that it was worth the work
infrastructure master
these misunderstood Valencia finally it can say with our heads held high, what we have done we have not done anyone precursors are real, not twenty-first century, where are thinking at the XXII century in which after the successive energy crises are over these eccentricities of the nineteenth and twentieth century, finally the airport without airplanes, Congratulations to the winners

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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