Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How Do I Stop Friends From Seeing My Friends

I want or do not want?
if I want, why do not I?
if I want, why do it?
What if I do it because I want and not what I want?
What if I want because I do not want to want ...?

It's funny how sometimes we want something or think we want, yet we dare not take the step to get it.

Or when we will get by, do not know why, we started to back ...

It's funny how sometimes we do everything necessary to make things happen, and then when they happen and are about to come ... We miss him and say we are not safe ... or that was not what we wanted, or that if it was that but not now ...

And then I wonder
I want or do not want?
if I want, why do not I?
if I want, why do it?

Comfort Zone ...
Does it sound any good?
When we are comfortable, not good but comfortable, in our small or large world within an environment, neither good nor bad, but at least controlled ... we feel safe ...
But sometimes we want something more, something different from what we've had so far ... and then we started to have the desire to change, and in that instant just started to make a move, even unwittingly, for the change to occur ...
Then we begin to feel that we are doing something that can lead us to something different, something that until now have not had ... perhaps unknown, and even longed for some time ...

... Sometimes they even start moving the necessary gears, consciously rather reactive, active or proactive, because then we know that yes, that's what we want ...

... And sometimes, when it is change that we ourselves have caused, we begin to doubt ... doubt that that is about to come ... that we will draw from our bag marsupial to set us free from it and start to walk again ... face we do not know why, because we have never faced it ...

And when we are about to do, began to feel fear of success, to feel the vertigo that occurs to be about to take that small first step we took when we were babies and through which we begin to walk, and through which now walk like the most natural thing in the world, thanks to which we walk through life insurance ...

And if the desire is not enough ...
And if the value is not enough ...
Maybe and just maybe we will not give that first step ...

But do you think this step is not synonymous with back ...?

I do not think so. During this process, we learned about ourselves and with ourselves, others, the situation ...

... And at least we have given permission to light a small flame, or rather to discover that little flame that has always accompanied, in there, and safely stash ... that when strong enough, will be able to end the fears, with insecurities, with doubts, with the convenience ... and that we will achieve everything we want, we will live the life you've always wanted to live, and be who we want to be ...

And everything will be started by a small flame ... that is kindled within.

A small flame, which is eager to get out ...
A small flame, which has always been there ...
A small flame that will light your way ...
The path you choose, any of them ... (You know, walking no way ... because everything is way by which transit ...)
A small flame that will remove the question marks ...
A small flame that will tell you whether or not you want, and why or why not do ...

And all will have begun with a small flame ...

... and you, have you turned on your name? ...

If so, finally, be sure that things happen, even if yours ...
... remember that name is already within yourself ... waiting to leave ...

And to let you burn depends more strongly, or keep it safe on the inside ...

Whatever you choose, your call will be with you always,

Quiet. Waiting
Your time.

to have sufficient force to open way and take that first step, or second, or third ... to make to become who you want to be ...

Be happy ... and enjoy your calls and each of the steps you :-)

Bruno. Www.psicoaching.es

Tuesday January 13, 2009

Posted by www.psicoaching.es


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