Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Funny 25th Birthday Cake Sayings

Rus and always blame the other

E l President of the DiputaciĆ³n de Valencia, Rus has made three things you should never make a politician, at least if it is consistent with its commitment to the public: First Act has failed, a standard exemplary in terms of accessibility, which can reach the dishonorable distinction of being the least accomplished of the entire national territory to Rus Accessibility Act of Valencia is worthless and he will not.

Secondly, he has repeatedly lied or at least it is clear from the statements that the various representatives of associations of disabled people have heard of your mouth, or all workers suffer hallucinations or just something much more serious, the President of the Congress lies and makes knowing that he is fooling all the people of Valencia and especially people with disabilities

Third, a politician who prides itself does not alter the responsibility to another trying to get rid of that is related to the post, take decisions, one decision and all those of which are at your service, trying to "pass the buck" by throwing the blame on others, not only Coward, also impairs the image of those whom we placed our trust, that escape when things go wrong.

If we add character that is contemptuous of the problems suffered by thousands of people with disabilities in Valencia, proposing strings instead of ramps and using the adjective "poor handicapped." .. nonsense is served, you resign Mr. Rus is not worthy of representing the people of Valencia.


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