design and coordination: Lic Viviana Sapia
design and coordination: Lic Viviana Sapia
Introduction to Pilates-
Philosophy and History of Pilates.
principles, objectives, particularly of Pilates.
the proper execution of the exercise of it.
Anatomy, Biomechanics and Movement Analysis Position anatomical - PlanometrÃa - System Analysis movimieto
levers - Biomechanics
System-muscular-articular bone
Exercise Physiology applied to Pilates Mat. Physiology of Movement: Exercises pilates pilates
The musculature: muscle groups, types of contraction.
breathing, concentration, food
posture posture-alignment concept of "balance.
Body awareness -
postural development of intelligence-
proprioceptive body postural alignment, body references for alignment.
The powerhouse: concentration of power in central-location - role-
The center of gravity and base of support. Concept
Motor - Motor development corporations applied.
exercises Preparation: primary position - posture. Implementation
exercise. Physical qualities combined
Flexibility of Pilates exercises, degrees of flexibility, elongation and joint mobility, breathing, feeding
Flexibility - Flexibility and Strength in.
Strength and Endurance in the Force.
Balance and Resistance in the balance. Flexibility
repeats. Intensity. -Motivation exercises adapted
embodiment, indications and contraindications for each year of Pilates Mat.
respiratory control breathing and flexibility exercises.
breathing and strength exercises.
breathing and balancing exercises.
breathing and mind-body balance.
concentration concentration techniques and breathing.
Concentration and conscientious execution of the exercises. Mental Qualities
pilates method.
breathing. The conclusion in the powerhouse.
fluency and concentration.
Teaching methodology. Methodology Basic level exercises. Methodology
intermediate level exercises. Methodology
advanced exercises.
concept of health and quality of life, applied to Pilates Benefits Pilates practice and contraindications.
The healthy food.
Hydration suitable for practice.
appropriate attire.
first aid and prevention. Prevention of injury.
Introduction to Pilates-
Philosophy and History of Pilates.
principles, objectives, particularly of Pilates.
the proper execution of the exercise of it.
Anatomy, Biomechanics and Movement Analysis Position anatomical - PlanometrÃa - System Analysis movimieto
levers - Biomechanics
System-muscular-articular bone
Exercise Physiology applied to Pilates Mat. Physiology of Movement: Exercises pilates pilates
The musculature: muscle groups, types of contraction.
breathing, concentration, food
posture posture-alignment concept of "balance.
Body awareness -
postural development of intelligence-
proprioceptive body postural alignment, body references for alignment.
The powerhouse: concentration of power in central-location - role-
The center of gravity and base of support. Concept
Motor - Motor development corporations applied.
exercises Preparation: primary position - posture. Implementation
exercise. Physical qualities combined
Flexibility of Pilates exercises, degrees of flexibility, elongation and joint mobility, breathing, feeding
Flexibility - Flexibility and Strength in.
Strength and Endurance in the Force.
Balance and Resistance in the balance. Flexibility
repeats. Intensity. -Motivation exercises adapted
embodiment, indications and contraindications for each year of Pilates Mat.
respiratory control breathing and flexibility exercises.
breathing and strength exercises.
breathing and balancing exercises.
breathing and mind-body balance.
concentration concentration techniques and breathing.
Concentration and conscientious execution of the exercises. Mental Qualities
pilates method.
breathing. The conclusion in the powerhouse.
fluency and concentration.
Teaching methodology. Methodology Basic level exercises. Methodology
intermediate level exercises. Methodology
advanced exercises.
concept of health and quality of life, applied to Pilates Benefits Pilates practice and contraindications.
The healthy food.
Hydration suitable for practice.
appropriate attire.
first aid and prevention. Prevention of injury.
Structuring Pilates classes. Education: Goals, conetenidos, resources, techniques, methodology of teaching and learning, feedback, student-teacher-training plans.
Types of classes:
Personal Training in Pilates Mat
Entrenamienteo in duos
Training Training in small groups in large groups Development planning, projects, and programs. Elements: title, rationale, objectives, beneficiaries, human resources, material, financial, scheduling, timelines, worksheets, and self-evaluation.
lesson planning sessions for a healthy spine Pilates. (Cifosisi, Scoliosis, Lordosis)
Pilates sessions to reduce back pain. (Flexibility)
Pilates sessions for stress. (Muscles of distress)
Pilates sessions for special people. (Disabled)
Pilates sessions for cellulite (Myths and Facts)
Pilates and Obesity (Risk Factors)
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